Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Far East Movement - Rocketeer ft. Ryan Tedder

Hey Guys,

Sorry we've been MIA for a little while. Things are really hectic but we haven't forgotten about you and we promise we'll post some fun stuff tomorrow! As for now, we're going to leave you with a music video. We're obsessing over this song right now.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

BEHIND THE SCENES: Rihanna Ft. Drake - What's My Name

We all know everyone's excited about this collaboration and that the song is a lot of fun but what about the video? Well it's said to be releasing very soon but here's a sneak peek for anyone on team Rihanna & Drake. Their chemistry on set is amazing - who else thinks they should just date? Watch out Jay & B...

Apparently, Rihanna also had to prepare herself for a steamy scene with Toronto's very own Drizzy Drake. Can't wait to see the entire video? Here's a sneak peak. Take a look!

*Sigh* ... We're loving Rihanna. Remember her album LOUD is out November 16th, 2010 (that's next week!) Make sure to go out and support her and buy her album!

Lots of Love.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Few Things We Hate About You ... Part II

Alright, it seems as though we have created some controversy with our last post. As a result, we've decided to post Part II with the help of some boys. Have a read girls, it's actually pretty funny - think about how many of these things you actually do and then ask yourself why? 

Things Girls Do That Piss Off Guys:
- Think they're fat when they're not
- Think they're sexy when they're not
- When they ask us to talk about our feelings
- When they tell us nothing's wrong when CLEARLY they're upset about 'something'
- When we finally get our way but they act like a bitch about it with answers like "Fine, do you whatever you want, I don't care" - you obviously do.
- When they think their girlfriends don't count when we say "don't tell anyone"
- When girls go to the bathroom in groups - Why is it that girls ALWAYS go together. Can you not go alone? Unless there's some fucked up creature lurking in the stalls that you need other people to protect you from, we don't understand why you can't go by yourself.
- When girls ask us what we're thinking and we say "nothing" but you insist that we can't be thinking of nothing, if we're quiet we MUST be thinking about something. - Actually I wasn't thinking of anything, but now all I'm thinking about is how annoying you're being when you keep asking me.
- When girls dress like skanks but then get offended if we look or make a comment about it - If its out there for show, you're giving us a free pass.
- When you complain that you don't want to be treated "like a girl" but then get mad when I only pay for my half of dinner - Stop saying you're so independent but then expect us to pay for everything.
- Gold Diggers 
- When you talk like a baby and say things like "sowwie" or get upset because we aren't all mushy and romantic all the time - First of all speak normally and second we get that girls like a bit of romance but don't expect it all the time, this isn't any Shakespeare shit.

Once again, something to think about.

Few Things We Hate About You...

What's up everyone? 

I know we're a bit behind on our posts, once again we've been super busy but we're back and today's topic is a juicy one! I was out this past weekend and did a lot of people watching and I couldn't help but notice the ridiculous things guys do to try and get a girl. This then got my friends and I discussing things that guys do that we really hate and get annoyed of. We have compiled a list for your entertainment. 

Things Guys Do That Piss Girls Off:
- Tell us to call and then don't pick up
- Tell us you'll call us but you never do - seriously if you don't want to talk on the phone it's cool but don't tell us you're going to do something and then NOT do it!
- When guys talk about their ex-girlfriends and how psycho they were. Did you know EVERY guy always uses the term psycho/crazy to describe their ex? Seriously, I'm sure we're all psycho/crazy to our exs - but don't talk about her, we don't care.
- When we're out at a bar or club and a guy will randomly come up and grind on us and then get mad because we are surprised or grossed out by the random physical contact with a STRANGER! Guys - if you want to have a "good time" it should be mutual, maybe try and initiate some form of other communication before trying to grind up on us. 
- Games - we hate playing games! Sending us mixed signals only make us more confused. For example - when you do things that make us think you're into us, but then ignore us out of no where.
- When you apologize for something but then do it again & then apologize and do it again. Then you get pissed off when we're upset about it. wtf?
- When you make it imperative that you go out with your guy friends but if we want a girls night out you have a list of things we can't do or places we shouldn't be going. 
-  Guys who are overprotective. If another guy is complimenting us it doesn't mean we're going to go around and hook up with him. Remember, we're going home with YOU there's no need to start a brawl over it. Besides, if your girlfriends hot, embrace it, so what if guys are looking at her, she's with you. Jealousy is a bitch and no one likes bitches!
- When you forget our birthday
- Guys who can't take initiative or control over their own lives or anything else for the matter.
- When you come up with stupid excuses to break up with someone. For example "I can't be with you because you're too good for me/I don't deserve you" - WE HATE WHEN GUYS SAY THIS!!! If you want to break up with us don't use US as your reason, man up and just tell us the truth. 
- When you come up with stupid excuses to cover up why you lied. For example "I lied because I didn't want to hurt you/I didn't want to lost you" - Do you think we're stupid? You lied because you thought you could get away with it and you didn't want us to know because you knew you were doing something wrong. Once again, MAN UP!

That's all for today, just something to think about.

Until next time,


Friday, November 5, 2010

What Guys Think About

So we've decided to make this topic a weekly entry. We all agree that sometimes we try and understand the mind of the 'PS2, Call Of Duty gamer' gender, so we have decided that every week we will give some of our male friends some topics and they'll tell us what they think of each. This Week we have three participants which we will name a, b, and c. Here we go.

What Guys Really Think About: 

1) Girls and Make-Up: 
 a) "Personally I don't have a problem with make-up. I know some guys think its like a trickery because it makes them look better than they really do, but my thing is everyone does that. Getting a haircut, putting on cologne, wearing fancy clothes, etc, is no different. BUT I do think girls who wear too much make-up are abusing such power and only hurting themselves."

b) "Girl's who don't have to wear make-up and still look pretty are real beauty."

c) "This is pretty straight forward, if I can wipe your face and have a rainbow result on my palm, its not attractive. I prefer girls that have a natural beauty to them. A lady who plasters her face with makeup means she's insecure about herself, which is also unattractive. So ladies, take it easy with product because it's not as attractive as you may think."

2) Hoochie Display pictures:
a) "Hoochie pictures are great for us but not for you girls. We love to look at them but trust me, we don't to date that girl. We see it and we all think the same thing: 'I wanna f*ck her'. So if you're looking for some one night stands, throw them up but if you want to seen as anything else, don't show your ass on facebook!"

b) "Hoochie display  pictures are amazing to look at! It makes me want to do dirty things to them lol, but it doesn't make me respect them any more. If anything, it makes me respect them less." 

c) "Straight up, if you don't have big tits, don't bend over towards the camera to increase your chest depth and if you don't have a big ass, don't take pictures bending over. The ass is an exception thanks to the genius engineers who invented those TNA pants; they can make even the flattest girls seem blessed. There's actually an article addressing decieving pictures females take and how they can manipulate angles to achieve those so-called sexy body shots; I suggest you women peep that asap. If you DO have some real TNA, good for you, thank your mama. However, there's a difference between classy and trashy pictures. If you don't want guys to approach you for piece, don't put up the front that you're DTF; it's as simple as that. Then you wonder why guys only have one thing in mind. Keep walking around taking pics with your tits and ass handing out and what else are we supposed to think? Remember, conversation is based on observation and if you don't want to be the topic of conversation, don't dress like a whore."

3) Sexiest thing about a girl:
a) "Automatically, my answer is ass, I love a girls ass but, on a serious note, I like a girl with a nice smile! A nice smile can pull me in so fast.

b) "Physically, a smile is so beautiful. I love a pretty smile. If we aren't talking physical, someone who can laugh at jokes and especially at themselves."

c) "The sexiest thing about a girl is a sense of self-control. If a woman can walk within my vicinity and dictate with authority, God help her because I will hunt her down. Just like you ladies, guys want a girl who is confident. If she knows what she's about and what she wants, she's the kind of girl that will bring the most satisfaction as there won't be any game playing. Girls, figure yourselves out before you get involved; you'll be happier and your significant other will appreciate it!"

There you have it, some words from the male-mind. So what do we take from all this?
1) Make-up - Keep it simple. Less is more!
2) Hoochie Displays - Stay away from them. It's not giving off the image you want (unless it is and well if that's the case, you're thinking completely different). The point is, if you want to attract the right guy or even right kind of friends, respect yourself. Besides, how many times do people regret posting stupid pictures on the internet anyway! 
3) The sexiest thing you can do is just be you. If you're confident in your own skin you will a) be happy and smile (which they seem to love) and b) be super confident which is what everyone loves. 

Anyways, that's all for now. Feel free to suggest topics/questions for the boys next week! Until next time.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Love The Way Lie Part II

Hey All,

So since we all know we loved Eminem ft Rihanna - Love the Way You Lie. Here's a peak at Part 2 by Rihanna Ft. Eminem which will be featured on her album LOUD (November 16th). Can't wait to hear the entire album. We love this song!

Click Here To Listen To It Yourself :)


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Friends With Benefits

So today's post is geared more for the ladies. I recieved an email from a follower who may I add made me really happy because (drumroll please...) she's from New Zealand! Yes, Girl Meets World has officially gone global (Yay for us). It feels really good to know that the blog is getting out there. Even though this one reader was sent our page from a Canadian friend,  she did mention that her and her New Zealand roommates  love our page and are checking it daily. Thanks Girls!

Moving onto today's agenda. The email read: 

Dear Girl Meets World, 

I am an exchange student living in New Zealand and had a friend send me the link to your blog. First of all I wanted to say that the new page looks a lot nicer and as much as your blog makes me miss home (I read your last post of things to do in Toronto this month), my roommates and I really enjoy reading it. I've made sure to show some local girlfriends as well. Anyways, I had a question. I've been seeing this guy for awhile and I guess you could say our relationship is "with benefits".  I know starting a relationship knowing that I will be leaving in a few months isn't the greatest idea, which is why we originally came to terms with just being "friends with benefits". But I really like him and I'm not sure how to get out of this zone with him and maybe make the relationship more serious. What should I do? - Reader

 This is a tough situation but a very common one I think. Here are my thoughts on this though.

Dear Reader,

This type of relationship always seems to start off fun because it's a game and both of you feel you are in control. You flirt a lot, you text, you might even hang out. There's no commitment involved however, you don't need to be anywhere at a particular time, you don't need to tell the other where your going (unless of course you want them there too). It feels good to get the attention and in a way it becomes addictive, but eventually the fun wears off and naturally we can become attached to this  guy who tickles our fancy. Why? Because we're girls and we can't bury emotions the same way that guys do.

The truth however is that it can be very very hard to go from being friends with benefits to a girlfriend. The reason for this is because you agreed that nothing was serious and therefore he isn't going to take you seriously. Again, you ask why? Well, because you didn't demand the respect that a 'girlfriend type' would from the get-go. Don't hate yourself for this, its not your fault. I think that sometimes flirting will just escalate and skip a few steps  and the dating part never really falls through. So you hope that your the exception, that this path will let you two grow close enough and he'll still respect you enough to maybe want something more with you one day. (Believe me, I've seen it happen and it's shocked me too!) Courtship is important though. It's a process into a relationship. The whole dating thing - the hanging out and going out - it's the part of a relationship that will let both people get to know eachother and decide if they really are interested in pursuing something. It allows them to think "hey, I had a lot of fun with this (girl/guy), I think I want to do that again". But hey, it's not always like that, so don't fret or kick yourself. Like I said, you aren't the only person this has happened to. But back to your question of trying to move out of this zone and into the girlfriend zone...

Most (good) guys will consider commitment when a girl takes *herself* seriously enough to go about a relationship in a respectable way. That means, going on dates before getting physical, meeting eachother friends, NOT seeing eachother whenever you get an opportunity, instead just pacing the whole thing. Most of the time, if you do this, they might care for you in the way that you hoped. 

But if I was in your position, this is what I would do.

Step 1: Pull away a bit.  Don't text him, or call him. Make him work for it. If he calls or messages you asking where you've been. Tell him you've been busy but that you'd love to hang out and catch up but do it in away that he has to answer. For example: "Hey, I've been so busy. How about dinner or a movie on Saturday?   

If he says yes, then go to DINNER or a MOVIE - GO OUT and DO NOT give in to anything if he tries. Maybe meet him so you have your own car to go home in or if he does pick you up, just say goodnight, tell him you had fun and off you go. Then go back to pulling away just a little. If he likes you, then he'll want to do it again which will lead to ...

Step 2 (Option A): So you went out once, things were good. He's called you and wants to see you again so you agree to go out. You have to tell him how you feel. As hard as it might be, just let him know. No one is a mind reader, and you can't expect him to know what you're thinking or feeling. So once you've laid it out there ask him what he thinks about that and there's your answer. If it's the one you were looking for than great, you can live happily-ever-after (or for however long it lasts). Just make sure you pace yourself again and be yourself. No more games, it'll move forward from there but as always, be careful. If the answer you get isn't what you want then move on to option b.

Option B: This is the step you'd take after Step 1, if you're boy of interest says no to an outing or doesn't even respond or hey is "too busy" or after Step 2 if you haven't gotten the answer you were looking for. Again, it's pretty simple. So walk away, and just get over it. Let yourself know that it is what it is and there's no point trying to make it something else. As Marilyn Monroe said "Sometimes 'good' things fall apart so that better things can fall together". It's just one guy, don't worry your little head about it too much!

Hope that helps! 

Monday, November 1, 2010


I’m really annoyed today. I had a conversation with someone that just made me think and keep thinking and it just kind of made me angry with the guy who’s putting her through this. Then again, I’m also really annoyed at myself for blaming him because we all know it takes two and if I told you the full story you would totally agree with me. I know it, she knows, he knows it, and we all know it. I just feel as though the situation was instigated and I know deep down she tried to walk away but in the end feelings came back and she rushed back for a moment she hoped would change something for the both of them… and she was wrong.
So there she is, regretting, and replaying the night in her head. Hating herself for not making the right choice. Every now and then as smart as we may be and as hard as we may try, we will get weak and we will get caught in a moment and maybe cross a line that we wish we hadn’t. We can’t blame ourselves forever though, we have to realize that what we had is broken, and picking up the pieces is going to hurt so why bother? Just walk away, leave it alone, move the fuck on. 
He knew how she felt. He knew how much she cared for him (maybe even less than what she really does). He knew she wasn’t the type and he knew that if he tried hard enough, she might just give in because of it. We miss people and we hope for glimpses into their lives, we hope that we’ll run into them by accident and that maybe this time things will be different and I feel like he knew all that and took advantage. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not blaming him entirely, I just feel as though he should have just let it be. But it didn’t go that way, and I don’t think he’s regretting anything but here she is, regretting. I’m proud she realizes that it was a mistake and realizes how easy it was for him to make her feel good for a little while, but what she’s feeling now is lingering for a little longer and it sucks!
I’m not exactly sure what to tell her at this point. Time will make it go away. I just think she needs to realize that it’s over. She deserves better. Things didn’t work out the first time for a reason and as much as she tells me he cares for her (which I’m not too sure about), if he does then he needs to grow up and figure his shit out. That doesn’t mean she should sit and wait for him though. In the meantime she needs to do what she can to move on to better things. Maybe they do belong together. Maybe in time things will work out for the best but for now, there’s no ifs, ands or buts. It is what it is, and right now that means its over. Nothing else.

Let's not forget November!

Brrrrrr... it's getting cold. We've just wrapped up October and we're realizing our 2010 is soon coming to an end. But before you start trying to plan your New Years Eve, (which let me remind you is STILL two months away), try and make this month a fun one by checking out a bunch of different events happening around our fabulous city! 

Here at Girl Meets World, we love to keep ourselves busy. Yes, curling up on your couch and watching movies is always fun but we can do that any day. So keep reading, we've done our research & you may find something that's appealing to you. We've collaborated a list of events, film releases, album releases, and some other fun stuff that will hopefully keep you busy and excited the next few weeks. Here we go :)

Looking for some ear-candy? November is going to be a big one for all you music buffs out there. Be on the look out for the following releases and concerts:

November 2nd: Jay Sean - Freeze Time, Soulja Boy - The DeAndre Way, Pitbull - Armando
November 9th: Kid Cudi - Man On The Moon II - The Legend of Mr. Ranger, Natasha Bedingfield - Strip Me
November 16th: Nelly - 5.0, Rihanna - Loud
November 22nd: Nicki Minaj - Pink Friday, Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
November 30th: Keri Hilson - No Boys Allowed, Black Eyed Peas - The Beginning

Also, expect releases from My Chemical Romance, 30 Seconds To Mars, Ke$ha, Bryan Adams, Kid Rock, Ciara, Weezer, Akon, Neyo, Duffy and a ton more. (Try saying all that in one breath!) As for concerts & live interviews, Toronto will be invaded with artists like Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Carrie Underwood, and Usher (Just to name a few).

Movie Lovers Unite. This month you'll definitely want to be at your theatre for some of the biggest anticipated movies of the year. That's right, I AM going there... Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows: Part I is only 18 days away from releasing and we're excited as ever. Don't get me wrong, the books are much better, but if you've grown to love the movies and characters like we have, then you won't want to miss this one!  On another note, Denzl Washington (who we are in love with) will also be staring in the November release of Unstoppable, if you haven't checked out the trailer yet, and love a good action thriller make sure to have look. Burlesque, a sexy and seduction story starring Cristina Aguilara will also debut at the end of the month.

If you're still looking for something new to do, check out any of these events this month and let us know how any of them go. We love feedback, and after-all, we want to hear your opinions and takes on anything you do, so don't forget to share your stories! 

Tim Burton Exhibition (Nov 26 - 28): The Museum of Modern Art is bringing all of Burton's films to life. Everything from his early 1977 work right up to his 2010 Alice In Wonderland. The exhibit will consists film screenings, over 700 paintings, puppets, costumes, and even a green screen room which will allow you to step foot into some of Burtons most memorable sets. Sigh, we'll definitely be checking this one out!
Food & Wine Expo (Nov 18 - 20): Food & wine lovers are going to love this one! The expo is being held at the Toronto Convention Center and will allow 36,000 guests to sample over 1500 wines, spirits, and beers from across the world. You'll also get to sample dishes from some of Toronto's most notable restaurants (yummy). Make sure you don't drive to this event, you'll probably have a buzz on!

National Women's Show (Nov 5 - 7): A weekend for the girls! Three fun-filled days that will give ladies the opporunity to recieve beauty & fashion samples, tips on travel, careers, keeping fit, staying healthy, and a ton more. You'll even have the chance to see some major and independ designers showcase their fashion & jewlery. To top it off, if you arrive early enough, there's always goodie bags, and what's more fun then free make-up & accessories!

Cinderella (Nov 11-20): Attention all dance lovers! James Kudelka's critically-acclaimed adaptation of this classic fairy tale kicks off the National Ballet's 2010/11 season. His modern approach brings forth some of the darker and more comedic elements of Cinderella's story, with inventive choreography and stunning visuals. Tickets are already on sale, so if you're interested get them fast!

There you have it. You have no reason to be bored this November! Remember, if you do find yourself feeling this way, well get off your ass and do something. Check back with us for more, don't make us tell you we told you so!

Happy November

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Winter 2010 Look Book

Hello World :)

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend and for those of you were dressed up for Halloween I'm sure you all looked hotter than ever! I'm sure everyone noticed how cold it's been getting lately which means it's my favourite time of the year. 

Fashion Week wrapped up in Toronto just over a week ago and was invaded by top designers and stylists who were dressed fabulously you just couldn't help but say "I want that outfit!" So what's in store for this fall/winter? Let's have a look... 

1) Leather: Sexy, daring, and chic. If there's one thing you have to be rocking the next few months it has to include leather. Weather it's a motorcycle jacket, or a cute skirt or fitted pants; leather is hot! It's also very versatile, dress it up or dress it down, regardless leather will definitely add some spice to your outfit! 

* Remember, don't think you have to drop a ton of cash on  leather jacket. Shop around, you can find affordable and stylish leather jackets as well as other items at places like H&M and Forever 21*
2) Skirts: Show some legs ladies! Skirts took over the run-way and are being seen in all magazines. High-waisted skirts are the most popular items to have this season. Not only do they accentuate you're waist, they can also be an easy item to switch from office attire to a 'night on the town'. It's all in how you where it that will make the difference.   

3) Knits: Cardigans, dress sweaters, ponchos, hats, gloves, scarves,  are some of the wonders of knitwear. The great thing about knits are also the assortments of colours that come along with the season. So go ahead, add some knit to your outfit, you won't regret it!

4) Shorts: Now wait a minute, I know what you're all thinking; "Shorts for the winter? Aren't they just for summer? It's freezing out!" Well you're wrong. You wear skirts in the winter don't you? So why can't you where shorts? One of the hottest trends this fall/winter are shorts paired with leggings or stockings. The difference between summer shorts and winter shorts are lay in the fabric and colours. You'll notice a lot of winter shorts being sold at your favourite stores and do no hestitate to buy them. Just make sure the shorts are you buying are denim, corduroy, flannel, or wool. these types of materials will not only keep you warmer BUT they also make shorts look more formal. 

5) Thigh-high boots: Boots are always in style every winter but this year the higher your boots, the hotter the look. This season, the trend is the boot to cover your leg passed the knee. You can find them at most shoe stores in a variety of colours, in leather or suede. Just make sure you find a pair you love and make sure you don't leave them behind!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Is Slutty Really Sexy? : Halloween Edition

"In the real world Halloween was a time for little kids to dress up in scary costumes. In 'girl world' it was the one night a year a girl could dress like a total slut and no other girls could say anything about it. The hard core girls just wore lingerie and some form of animal ears."- Mean Girls

Oh Halloween, the one time of the year that most people can have so much fun with! I've decided to touch on this topic since we are only a few days away from this fabulous event. So, what is it about halloween that makes it so much fun?

Well the answer is: you can pretty much be anything you want! However, I'm not sure if Lindsay Lohan has it all right in the movie. I will agree that during Halloween, most girls try and dress a little sexier than usual with the excuse that it is simply a "costume". However, there is a difference between looking sexy and hot enough to turn most heads and looking like a complete slut who's screams f*ck me. 

For example: 

A girl could dress up as a cop. There are a TON of different cop costumes that she could put on , it's how she decides to wear it that will make the difference. I've seen plenty of girls in the same costume and one girl will look classy, sexy, and super hot, and the other will look like used up trash that just waiting to be tossed back out again (if you get my drift).

The point is, there is nothing wrong with dressing up like a sexy cop, or sexy pin-up girl, or a racecar driver, a hot version of dorothy, or whatever your imagination wants you to be that night. Just remember that you can still look smoking hot without having to look naked or worrying about your boobs popping out all night. 

Anyways, Halloween is all about having fun. Be whatever you want to be, just make sure you're comfortable in your own skin ;) 

Happy Dress Up Everyone! I'll leave you with some fun Halloween Photos of our favourite Celebrity skanks ... I mean girls and some of the ones we love!


 Kim and Lauren can still look sexy and cute while keeping it classy - exacly why I love these girls. Superwoman & a Sailor.

Of Course, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton are perfect examples of how NOT to wear a costume. I'm not even sure what Lindsay is supposed to be and as for Paris, who's dressed up as Alice... well apparently she wants everyone to see her wonderland.

Here's Lady Gaga wearing a dress made up of tiny Kermit the Frogs ... FYI this was NOT a halloween costume believe it or not, she actually went out like this on a normal day. WTF?

Girl Meets World Gets a Make-Over

Hey Everyone,

So the new layout is finally up! After a lot of hard work and template making our site finally feels at home! We'd love to know what you think. Like it, Love it, Hate it?

Today's post should be up soon. Still conjuring up the last few ideas and thoughts of the day.

Hope everyone is having an amazing day!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Eff* bomb

Hey Guys. 

Where the heck have I been you might be asking? Well super super busy, sick, mix that with my procrastination problem well, I might just disappear for awhile. The good news is I'm BACK and my brain is on overload which has given me a ton of things to think [blog] about.  

Today's post is titled The F* bomb. Now I know what you're thinking. What the f*ck is she talking about? Well let me elaborate.


Tough word isn't it? But here's the thing. I realized that we are going to go through hell sometimes. We're going to fight, give silent treatments, yell, cry, rant, talk shit, sit and think about horrible things happening to people who have intentionally hurt us. We're going to feel all these things that we might think are going to make us feel better not realizing that all we really need to do is forgive. 

It's a very tough thing to do, especially when all you can think about is how hurt or disappointed you may have been after going through whatever you were put through. Part of moving on is letting go, and you will never let go completely unless you drop the F* bomb first. 

So try it out. You don't need to call anyone up and tell them that. You just have to let yourself know that you have & I guarantee you will start feeling better. Forgiveness is tied to acceptance. You must first accept what has happened, even though it might be the worst thing in the world. Take it for what it is. You're still standing, you're still breathing which means as much as you felt the world was coming to an end, it hasn't and it won't. Accept and you will be able to forgive.

So here it goes. I forgive you. Anyone who's ever talked shit, called me a bitch, made me cry, made me doubt for even a second. I forgive you and I do because well I don't care. Which lets me know that I'm at such a better place than you might be. 

So there it is. The F* bomb, just remember; just because you can forgive, doesn't mean you have to fucking forget. Karma's a bitch!

Happy Days :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Wake up call...

Happy Saturday everyone!
Sorry we haven't posted in a few days, things have been super hectic but I hope today's post is a good read for you. We've decided to go a little deeper with our topic today so here we go...  
So I was watching TV the other day and came across an old episode of Greys Anatomy about addictions. During the voice over they talk about the high and rush we get with things we’re ‘addicted’ to. Now, I'm not about to start talking about drug addictions and shit, but the episode got me thinking a lot about how people tend to hold on to things (relationships) that they know are hurting them but just won't let them go.
We’ve all seen it or perhaps have had our own share of dealings with this feeling. We’re so caught up in moments that we forget to look at the bigger picture. Think of it this way, it’s like when you go and watch a movie but there are a few scenes that made you laugh or that you thought were cute, but the entire concept and story line is wrong, the actors suck, and it was too predictable. You aren’t going to the say that it was a good movie. When people ask you’ll say the movie was crap, and that you don’t think anyone should waste their money going to see it.
Now, back to my initial thoughts and what inspired this entry. Have you ever watched your bestfriend’s boyfriend constantly treat her like crap and wonder why she keeps him around or why perhaps we spend our time chasing guys who really aren’t worth it? We get a few good dates, long conversations on the phone, some cute texts, and steamy backseat make-out and we think this guy has it all but realistically the dates well there’s only been a few, the long conversations on the phone only happen when YOU call him and he decides to pick up, the cute texts – drunk texts, and the make-outs well they only happen when you’ve seen him which ties back to the few good dates. So why do we stick around? It’s because we love the high, we love the potential, we love the feeling we get and we hold on to these few moments and we don’t admit that the relationship is crap just like that horrible movie you don’t think anyone should watch!
So what happens when we’ve finally realized that this guy isn’t right for us? We do another stupid thing, we start to come up with excuses for them.  It’s fucked! Are we really just wired so wrong that most of us can’t see that he’s just a dick and not that into us. 
This goes for guys as well. If she's a high maintenance, unappreciative, whiny bitch who doesn't trust you and is constantly breathing down your neck who cares how hot she is, do you really need the headache? Peace the fuck out of there ASAP and find yourself somebody a little more sane. We're not all as fucked up as you claim your ex was.
But back to my point, people are born into relationships. It’s our relationships that make us human. They let us feel emotions. They make us happy, and they also make us what to curl up into to a ball and cry but we hold on to the ones that are worth it with the people we believe really make a difference in our lives. We just have to be able to figure out which ones ARE worth it.
So if you’re stuck sitting through a shitty movie that you know is going to want to make you poke your eyes out after you’ve already sat through it, walk out and maybe go see another one worth your time. You can’t get you’re money back once you’ve already sat through it. Kick the habit of putting up with anything less than you deserve. In other words, (and excuse my French) wake the fuck up and cut off the asshole you’ve been infatuated over the last month because the longer you put yourself through it the harder it’ll be to let it go kind of like the whole addiction thing.

Monday, October 4, 2010

She be jumpin' up and down tryin' to get that ass in...

It’s that time again…
Fall is here, the temperature is dropping, you’ve already taken your favourite boots out of the closet, and love wearing your brand new leather jacket. October is always fun, but with all the pretty colours and fall fashion comes a lot of excuses. Thanksgiving is around the corner and with that the Christmas season and the excuse to curl up in a ball with a blanket, pop some popcorn and watch movies with your boyfriend. Most girls dread the holiday season because it’s the easiest time to gain those few extra pounds we notice when trying to slip into our favourite pair of jeans come the spring. So how do we avoid this we ask? Well the simple answer would be to watch you’re eating and go to the gym but we all know it’s no that easy when you’re moms baking up a storm that smells way too good to resist. One of the biggest reasons people gain weight over the winter is because the days seem shorter when the sun is setting at 6:00pm. The cold and dark make us just want to run home, so we drive right past the gym and we start to come up with excuses:
“It’s too cold out” – You aren’t working out in the cold, find a gym close to where you live and start moving. You’ll love the breeze after a hard and sweaty workout!
“I’ve had such a long day”  - All you really need to put in is 30 minutes of intense cardio to feel amazingly energized afterwards and you’ll be able to sleep a lot nicer as well giving you more energy for the day ahead.
“I hate using machines” – You don’t need to use any equipment, most gyms offer many aerobics classes that vary in difficulty. Take up some yoga or kick boxing, find something you love and more than likely you’ll want to keep going back.
“I give up too easily” –It’s easy to find a friend to join a gym with you. Make a schedule that works for the both of you. You can hang out and gossip while working on those abs.
“I hate working out infront of guys” – If this is one of your reasons for not hitting the gym then look around. There are gyms that offer Womens Only hours, or sections that are just for women. Curves, Premier Fitness, and most gyms at colleges or universities provide these options for girls. On the other hand, working out around guys isn’t so bad. Gyms are FULL of guys, maybe you’ll meet someone special ;)
“Gyms cost too much money” – So you want to work out but it doesn’t meet your budget. Try and avoid big named gyms and maybe something smaller and you’ll be sure to find something affordable. Another option is to invest in some fun work out DVDs that you and your workout buddy can do in the comfort of your home – you avoid the cold and save some money!

Here’s a list of places and workouts you may want to try out:
Premier Fitness – $35- $40/month: Gym offers aerobic classes, pools, health advice, training, boxing, and women’s only sections
GoodLife Fitness – $50-$60/month: A bit more expensive, however offer longer hours and all services including aerobic classes, pools, health advice, training, and women’s only classes.
Curves – approx $40/month. All women’s circuit training, easy and fun – offer health and nutritional advice
Flirty Girl Fitness: $99/month: All girls, no equipment but offer a huge selection of aerobics and dance classes which include kick-boxing, pole dancing, hip hop, and salsa. 3 and 6 month memberships are also available.
Work Out Dvds
Turbo Jam – Combination of kick-boxing, dance, and Capoeira  (Afro-Brazilian art form that combines elements of martial arts, music, and dance)
Hip Hop Abs –  Combines fun cardio dance with targeted abs sculpting moves without ever having to lay on your back for sit ups or crunches!
Slim in 6 – resistance training and aerobics DVD which allows you to slim down without bulking up.
Remember, the winter can be tough but you’ll be kicking yourself in the ass (which may have gotten bigger over 3 months) if you don’t get up a move. As lazy as you may feel, working out actually makes you feel really good once you’re done. You’re energized and you’ll feel better about yourself. Don’t starve yourself either, enjoy the things you love (chocolate and desserts) just do it in moderation.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pass Or Fail - First Impressions

It’s a Friday night, and you’re out on the town. Out for drinks with your friends, or ready to let it all out on the dance floor. You’ve made it past the front door and what’s next? We all know the feeling – we scan the room until finally there he is. You’ve found you’re guy and he’s everything you’re looking for at first glance – ‘physically’ that is. Yes, we’re talking about that initial attraction ladies. First impressions are important – so what do you look for when glancing a room? What sets him apart from all of the other guys who may or may not be staring at your TNA while you strut around in your little black dress? It’s a tough question but we all have a ‘type’ and if you’re lucky enough to get past the glancing and manage to initiate a conversation, what do you look for while trying to figure him out. We asked around and here’s what we got:

Style & Personality – Every girl wants a guy who’s confident. Confidence is sexy, cockiness is not! There’s a fine line between the two and no girl wants to listen to a guy talk too much about himself. If you can make a girl feel comfortable and laugh then the conversation is going in the right direction and 9/10 we’ll always stick around for more. We HATE pick up lines – 99% of them are lame and they don’t work! Personality ties in with style, and the way a guy is dressed says a lot about his personality. Check him out carefully and don’t forget the shoes!

      What keeps him busy? No girl wants a guy who sits on his ass all day while mommy and daddy give him a weekly cheque so he can take you out. We don’t care if the Benz you’re driving was a gift from your mom - get a job and a hobby! You may be hot and have a sexy car – but if you’re not supporting yourself, don’t think we’ll be doing it either. We like guys who have things to do. Whether they’re keeping themselves busy with school or work or both, it tells us they’re working towards something.

     Hygiene – It doesn’t matter if he has washboard abs, ladies, if your guy smells like his dinner word of advice: RUN! It’s happened, I’ve witnessed it. The boy is as fine as a ticket on the dash and he’s caught you checking him out, so he walks over, leans in to introduce himself and before you can even take in his name, you’ve figured out his favourite wing sauce. Dinner before a night out is great, but pop a breath mint or something before you try picking us up. 

     Entourage – What are his friends like, or did he come with any friends at all. If a girl see a guy by himself at bar/club (or anywhere else for the matter) she wonders why he’s alone in the first place. If his friends are cool, fun (and added bonus also really cute), your friends can be kept busy which makes hanging out with your guy that much easier. 

     Age is nothing but a number? – Putting aside your day dreaming about Brad Pitt or Cloony, or the 25 year olds who are waiting for Justin Bieber’s voice to change, age is important to us but how important is it? Every girl is different but the question will come up in the first ten minutes.  Just remember, don’t write your guy off simply because he was born 35 seconds after you. Give him a chance, he may just surprise you. 

There you have it girls. You said it and we blogged it. We all do it, it’s almost as if we carry a personal notepad and check off whether guys pass or not as we’re meeting them. Just remember, guys don’t think like we do and we’re always going to over-think and over-analyze because we’re girls and its what we do. Let’s all try and stay a little grounded and just go with the flow instead, it’s so much easier that way!