I know we're a bit behind on our posts, once again we've been super busy but we're back and today's topic is a juicy one! I was out this past weekend and did a lot of people watching and I couldn't help but notice the ridiculous things guys do to try and get a girl. This then got my friends and I discussing things that guys do that we really hate and get annoyed of. We have compiled a list for your entertainment.
Things Guys Do That Piss Girls Off:
- Tell us to call and then don't pick up
- Tell us you'll call us but you never do - seriously if you don't want to talk on the phone it's cool but don't tell us you're going to do something and then NOT do it!
- When guys talk about their ex-girlfriends and how psycho they were. Did you know EVERY guy always uses the term psycho/crazy to describe their ex? Seriously, I'm sure we're all psycho/crazy to our exs - but don't talk about her, we don't care.

- Games - we hate playing games! Sending us mixed signals only make us more confused. For example - when you do things that make us think you're into us, but then ignore us out of no where.
- When you apologize for something but then do it again & then apologize and do it again. Then you get pissed off when we're upset about it. wtf?
- When you make it imperative that you go out with your guy friends but if we want a girls night out you have a list of things we can't do or places we shouldn't be going.
- Guys who are overprotective. If another guy is complimenting us it doesn't mean we're going to go around and hook up with him. Remember, we're going home with YOU there's no need to start a brawl over it. Besides, if your girlfriends hot, embrace it, so what if guys are looking at her, she's with you. Jealousy is a bitch and no one likes bitches!
- When you forget our birthday
- Guys who can't take initiative or control over their own lives or anything else for the matter.
- When you come up with stupid excuses to break up with someone. For example "I can't be with you because you're too good for me/I don't deserve you" - WE HATE WHEN GUYS SAY THIS!!! If you want to break up with us don't use US as your reason, man up and just tell us the truth.
- When you come up with stupid excuses to cover up why you lied. For example "I lied because I didn't want to hurt you/I didn't want to lost you" - Do you think we're stupid? You lied because you thought you could get away with it and you didn't want us to know because you knew you were doing something wrong. Once again, MAN UP!
That's all for today, just something to think about.
Until next time,
Damn, and here I was thinking that creeping up on a shorty in a club and grinding on her was a surefire way to get her to like me!...Gotta stop taking advice from Alvaro!